husband not supportive opinions please

- this is my third baby. My son and daughter both were 5 hour births including pushing (I know I'm lucky) lol but I had an epidural with both of them when I reached 8 cm because that's what the dr told me to do. This is my last baby and I thought of I'm lucky enough to have a short labor again why not take advantage and try no medication. I also wanted to labor in the tub(not deliver) my mom him mom, him, and my dad are always the only ones I. The room. He thinks it's going to be weird with everyone in the while I'm supposedly screaming and stuff(I plan on taking Hypnos birthing classes) anyway he keeps telling me not to do it natural and that if I insist then not to have anyone in the room. I chose those people on purpose. They have always been very respectful and stayed by the side while my husband holds my hand. It hurts my feelings that he's not being supportive how should I handle this?