ready to give up... 😭

 Hi ladies, so my beautiful little one is six weeks old. From the get go we have had a hard time with breast-feeding. In the hospital his latch was very choppy and painful. They checked him for a tongue tie but did not see anything so we pushed on through for about three weeks until I contacted a lactation consultant. My little one had not been gaining enough weight and the pediatrician had us supplement with formula which I didn't want to do but obviously needed to do what's best for my baby to gain weight. The lactation consultant checked him out, She is the one who noticed immediately that he has a posterior tongue tie. We got it clipped on Monday and I have also been using a hospital grade pump to try and boost my supply since it has taken a dramatic hit. I have tried everything – fenuGreek supplements, lactation cookies, mothers milk tea, Gatorade, nothing has worked. I am pumping at least every three hours or putting him to my breast. Lately I am only pumping out an ounce both sides combined. It is so upsetting and I've cried over this so much. I feel like a failure and I don't want to give up but I feel like I'm honestly becoming depressed over this. We are still supplementing formula and I'm also pumping whatever I can since its better than nothing, and mixing that with his formula. I am just so sad about all of this.Â