awkward baby shower

So I'm due Feb 10 and was talking to my mom about when she's planning to organise my baby shower as she said she wanted to do it and she was like well what about Feb 4th and I almost thought she was kidding as it's so close to my due date but then she said well everyone will most likely be broke in January/trying to recover from Xmas so they just won't show up (which is probably true) unless you want to do it around the  15th it's up to you and now I just feel like it's another stressful thing to have to think about how I just wanna forget the whole damn thing at this rate as I do understand xmas takes its toll on people and January is a financially hard month it's just really annoyed me she's so last minute as per usual I said at least if we give a date now people will be more prepared.... When would you have a baby shower?