31 weeks baby head down less movement normal?

Sandra • mommy to a beautiful baby girl and baby boy
Since I became 31 weeks and 2 days I have noticed less kicks and now having rolling or just her legs moving. I was told at 31 weeks my baby was head down and later that night I felt a lot of pressure down low and it was uncomfortable to sit. My mom said my baby dropped she can tell from looking at my belly. If she did drop is it normal to have no kicks and only feel her if she moves her legs or arms ? I went for a stress test and they could hear her moving when she was moving her arms and legs even hear her roll from on said to the other but no kicks. They said everything was fine and blame that I have a tilted uterus is the reason for her not be kicking. I'm now 31 weeks and 5 day.. I worried a lot and I do a lot of kick counting but I won't feel anything for hours even if I drink or eat anything. I'm so use to her normal kick pattern I use to feel her a lot now I can't even tell if she was moving or if I'm just going crazy and hoping that was her