please respond imposting for a friend that's scared

Bridgette • Prego with baby #2!!!!! God is good!
Hello, I am posting this for a friend, she's terribly scared and in need of advice. The dr isn't telling her much because he doesn't want to freak her out but I was wondering if anyone else has had this happen. My friend went to the dr 2 weeks ago to confirm pregnancy. She had an abdominal ultrasound done (I don't know why they didn't do vaginal) and she got the first ultrasound. By calculating her periods she should've been close to 8 weeks but the ultrasound said 5 weeks. They just saw a sac and no baby. They brought her in two weeks later for an ultrasound and they said she was measuring 6 weeks but there is now a baby, but still no heartbeat. We know it's early for a heartbeat but I feel like something isn't adding up. She hasn't had bleeding or cramping and they scheduled her for another scan in a week to see if there has been progress. She wants this baby more than anything and is terrified. Also, the last ultrasound, why does it look like there are two sacs? Has anyone ever seen this? Please help! Thank you! 
First ultrasound at "5" weeks 
Two weeks later should be "7" weeks, but only reading "6" weeks, no heartbeat found