Ttc baby #1 AF due today/tomorrow


Hi ladies! I recently came across this app which is amazing! Sorry if this gets long!

I use a different app called p tracker which has always been pretty much on point with my AF give or take one day! So p tracker is telling me AF due tomorrow but glow saying due today!

Currently I am 14 dpo... I have been feeling pregnancy symptoms for over a week now (it's driving me insane I am so impatient!!!!) I also never ever get any AF symptoms no nothing she just comes and goes without disturbing me lol so me and DH BD 1 day before my positive OPK and on the second day of my positive OPK. I have taken a HPT on 8dpo (just couldn't wait!!!) Then each morning since 11dpo and they all come back BFN (I swear I see the faintest of lines but I'm probably going crazy with them)

I had 2 dribbles of light pink blood yesterday morning and my heart sank that AF was here but nothing happened after that all day and night... I'm still confused why BFN this morning and I am praying I am not out for another month (2nd cycle ttc so not long I know)

I would loveeee to give some good news to parents as a Xmas pressy this year!! Anyone else have same situation and still get their BFP?
