Mine and my boyfriends 1 year anniversary was last week since then he as been acting differently, like more distant kind of but then at the end of the day he's just randomly doing stuff for me for example I had to work last night he came to pick me up from work we got home (we don't live together) I sat down took of my work clothes and got into something comfy lol he randomly got up went to the kitchen started cleaning out a pomegranate then brought me a bowl of it, he kept asking how it was lol then after I was done he got up and took my bowl for me then a little later we went to bed an we cuddled all night lol I love when he does it but he has been acting so weird idk how to take it and my mother called me the night before that I didn't answer I was asleep, so I called her the next day while i was at work she said she was trying to get ahold of my boyfriend to ask him something I said ok lol he has Tay (which is my son) and he should be home so call him! So I'm just so lost and confused right now lol I need help!!!!!❤️️