SO MAD! won't schedule my c-section?!

So at my weekly appointment Tuesday (I'm 37 weeks 38 tomorrow) my dr discovered my baby girl isn't head down and had me choose to either go to the hospital in the morning and try to turn her or just schedule an c-section for next Friday well I chose the turn but then came home and did a lot of research and just decided I'm not comfortable with it and don't want to take the risk And heard a lot of bad things about it so my mom who went to the appointment with just to drive me cause I don't drive much since I almost got into a wreck a few weeks ago and just don't want to take any chances well she decided to call my dr and say "I think she changed her mind about tomorrow" he said ok well I'll be here at the hospital if she does decide to do it and she said well she's just looked up a lot about it and told her she should just listen to what I told her about it ummm he told me nothing I'm also a small person so I hear it will be super painful and she made it seem like I wasn't sure so he won't put me down for the c-section next Friday and just said well if I don't see you tomorrow I'll see you at the weekly appointment Tuesday so if I can't get my c-section Friday like I'm supposed to cause of her telling him that and him not scheduling it then I'm going to be pissed I already am cause I have people and her father who have to let work know Monday if they need Friday off!