Gestational Diabetes & Induction

Hi has anybody had gestational diabetes (being treated by metaformin) and not been induced 1-2weeks early? I was at my 36 week appointment yesterday and was told at my last appointment we would be given a date for induction at 36 weeks. 
I saw a different consultant yesterday and she said unless it was a c section they don't give dates until 38 weeks! She said so far I'm definitely not a candidate for a csection (phew!) and as my diabetes seems to be controlled by metaformin and the baby is measuring 6lbs she wouldn't be rushing anything! 
This is my second baby and my fear is that when I go back at 38 weeks they'll maybe give me an induction date for the following week which doesn't give me a lot of time! My in laws are on standby to take my little boy which is a huge help but I'd rather know! She said if pushed for an induction date if I hadn't went myself it would be 20th Dec which is 2 days before my due date anyway! Hoping baby comes on his or her own! Just wondering what other mum's experiences are!!