my delivery story!

Katie • Married to my best friend & mommy to Carter 💙💚
I got induced yesterday morning at 5 AM (and let me tell you, I would NEVER again be induced unless medically necessary, not matter how impatient I was!)
They started pitocin and I started having very intermediate contractions, until my doctor came in and broke my water... thankfully it didn't hurt when he broke it, but afterwards the contractions were off the chart and back to back starting off with a minute in between, and then down to 30 seconds in between. I tried to hold off on an epidural as long as possible, but at 10:30 I finally got one... it suprisingly did not hurt at all, and afterwards it was literally magical! But then my blood pressure dropped to 80/45 and babies heart rate went way down. People started flooding in, I had to get a shot in my leg and a few doses of medicine in my IV. From that point on my blood pressure was constantly dropping. They had to keep turning off the pitocin, and then they had to turn off the epidural and the painful contractions came back. At this point it was about 2ish and I was still only 4 cm dilated. They turned pitocin back on and by 5ish I was 7 cm dilated, it took until around 9 for me to get to 10 cm and it was time to push! I pushed for over an hour, with barely any change... and it was getting to the point where baby's HR would drop so low that they wouldn't let me push anymore. I then had to be rushed to an emergency C-section! My sweet baby boy was born at 10:43, with a head full of hair and the sweetest cry I had every heard. It was 100% worth every painful minute of the day! My husband and I are so in love with him 😍😍😍