My Poor Son😭😩

So I have a 4 year old . And A BF/Fiancé of almost 5 years .i need a little bit of advice to ease my mind a little bit. So my BF is NOT my sons biological father . He stepped in when I was about 5 months pregnant and since has raised my /our son . My BF has two other children and well his 7 year old son might be aware that my son is not his biological brother . I am afraid that my son will grow up and hate us for not telling him about his biological father . His. Biological father is no one I want my son to even know . He has done nothing at all for my son and has never tried to look for him see him help me nothing so for him to have the biological father role is bullshit to me and I don't want my son to look for him when he is older . Idk how to tell my son that my BF is not his biological father I want him to understand that he has raised him and loves him just like he loves his son and he sees him only as his son . My heart is broken rn and idk what to do I never wanted this for my son ever I'm just in need of some adviceÂ