I feel like a shitty mom 😢😢😢

My baby is 3 days old. We are trying to breastfeed and I just can't. I feel like I can't. He only latches good and eats 1/3 of the time he spends on my boobs. My milk is going crazy and I am leaking everywhere I can't contain it. My boobs feel like bowling balls. And it just sucks, I wanted to be successful at this. I know it'll get easier but we are both struggling. On top of that I've had 12 hours of sleep since Monday. I am an emotional wreck. My sweet little boy will not let me put him down. I am a single mom so help is basically non existent. I want to pump but I can't even set him down to clean the bottles and pump. It's so hard and I feel so shitty that I can't handle breast feeding. I just need some advice or something 😢