23 weeks & impatient already??

Alyxandrea • 1716 32017 ❤️

I'm only 23 weeks and I'm already starting to feel sad that the baby isn't here. 

My last pregnancy, I got depressed in the last 3-4 weeks, and I was a week late so, yeah. But, I was extremely depressed because my hormones were crazy and I just thought the baby was never going to come. 

I'm ALREADY starting to feel sad because I want the baby here. I just wish my hormones would slow down and let me enjoy my pregnancy because I know I'll miss the movements, and belly! But i just can't help but feel impatient, ugh! 

I'm hoping once I find out the gender, I'll feel better because I'll be able to shop, get things ready, call the baby by their name, etc.