I Can't Stand My Husband.

I don't know if it's just me or because of my hormones but I can't stand being around my husband. He's sooo annoying and he talks so much and complains!!!!! Like he complains WAAAAAAY more than I do. And it always feels like he's competing with me on stuff. Like when I said I need to sit down because my back hurts or something he'll just say "your body hurts? Really? I never sleep because I'm taking care of you all the time and I'm working On the house (we're fixing up a house to move in to) and you haven't done anything besides sweep and clean and you're saying YOUR body hurts? Okay." 
It's SO ANNOYING . If it was anyone else I would've already beat the shit out of them but I hold my tongue and just let him talk out of his ass. But am I the only one that can't stand their husband/boyfriend?