In the wrong spot.

Ali • 🌵🌻

So I just recently started working at a bar because I had to move in with my sister since I had no where else to go. There are several roommates, and her bf manages the bar so it was a for sure job especially since I don't have a car I needed something like this.. I knew what I was getting into. I knew it was way out of my comfort zone and all that jazz..

But honestly I didn't think it would be this bad. Its extremely out of my comfort zone to the point where I'm just not fit for the job. I do the work and I'm not completely terrible for this being my first waitressing job.. But things aren't clicking. Like everyone there seems to be similar and I stand out like a sore thumb because I simply just don't fit in. Like this is not what I'm supposed to be doing. Not only that but I'm in the wrong city too... I have been at my sister's for a bit and yet I still can't see myself living here. Like I feel as if I'm just in the wrong spot and things aren't working out because I'm not meant to be here.. I wish I never got stuck living and working here. I'm praying this doesn't last much longer.