Stanley Michael Shepard
Original due date: November 27th
Born: November 23 @ 1:16 PM
Weight: 6 lbs 13 oz
Length: 20 inches 
On Saturday November 19, I went into the hospital originally thinking my water was leaking. They found out my water was not leaking however I did have hypertension and was also being considered borderline pre eclampsia. I had a headache and asked for Tylenol and they have me that and said if your headache gets worse call us. That night I went home and headache was AWFUL... I started throwing up and getting chills in top of it so at 8:40 on Sunday November 20th I called the hospital and they said wait it out.... Come 4 pm on Sunday I couldnt near the pain anymore and went back to the hospital without calling. They hooked me up to the blood leessute machine and sure enough it had gotten worse... 188/96... They finally decided to induce me that night. At 5:45 I began the induction process by getting the cervidil.... It was supposed to stay in for 12 hours which it did. However when I woke up the next morning I was informed I had it inserted wrong and they were sorry but it hasn't worked at all. They then started me on the pill you take every two hours which I continued all day and that night..... Got checked and I was only 2 cm dialated and 50% effaced even though I was now going on day #3.... On day #3 they finally started pitocen at 11 AM. I got checked at 3:00 pm and FINALLY I WAS A 3 cm dilated but still 50%.... So they finally agreed to break my water at 5:30 pm.... I went into active labor at 10:30 pm that night of day 3.... I used the laughing gas (highly recommend it!) untill 12. At 1:00 AM of now day 4 I decided to get the epidural! It wa sleeve t u till they put it in wrong and I had to get the second at 2:16 AM.... Only for that one to wear off and get my THIRD epidural... The third epidural finally wore off  at 9:30 AM where I day yelling untill they checked me again at 12 to figure out I was stuck at 4 cm. they then decided to rush my to emergency C section since baby was in distress. They then made the cut and I felt it alright which is when they finally made the decision that I was not responding to pain medications and it was time to put me fully under... My handsome boy was born at 1:16 PM and finally safe I. My arms and I would do it all over a million times 💙