Today I gave birth to a 8 lb 1.4oz baby boy

Today I gave birth to a 8 lb 14 oz baby boy! (My due date was 11/20)My water broke 11/24 around 9:00 pm. I called my midwife she told me to call her around 1 am to tell her how I felt. Gave her a call around 1 am and was told to come in around 5 am. Over that 8 hour period I only had mild contractions and dilated only 1cm, so of course they wanted to give me pitocin. Around 8 am I received the pitocin and began having contractions every 5 minutes. Around noon I was checked and had dilated 4 cm. My dosage was upped and I wasn't checked again until about 5 pm. I had dilated to 6 cm and was more than 75% effaced. Around 8 pm 😩 I was checked again and had dilated to 8cm. My midwife told me should would come back around 10 pm and check me again. 10 pm came and I made no additional progress and the baby's head wasn't all the down. At this point I wanted to cry.( I had to give myself the pep talk of the century). Contractions were coming very intense every two minutes and I was soooooooo sleepy. Although I wasn't fully dilated, with every contraction I felt like I needed to poop so I went with the urge and slightly pushed each time. About an hour later I screamed I need to push! The midwife came checked me and sure enough she agreed that I was ready to push. After about 6-7 pushes, a stuck shoulder, wrapped cord, and a second degree tear scare, my baby was here,12:25 am !!!!!! Very long unmedicated (pain)labor, but I made it through and couldn't be more proud of myself, my baby, and my support team. 
Sorry the story so long, however I enjoy when you all share your long stories with many details. Good Luck to the moms who will be going into labor soon.