Quick remedy needed PLEASE!!!

Hi ladies! I'm from AZ, but my fiance and I are in Pennsylvania for our wedding in 2 days! The whole family rented out a huge cabin for the weekend in the Poconos Mountains as a Thanksgiving/pre-wedding celebration, and yesterday we all went on a group hike deep into the mountains to these absolutely breathtaking waterfalls! We all had a blast, but I woke this morning completely stiff. My whole back is f***ed and I can't even bend at the waist! I'm getting married to my soldier and love of my life in just 2 days and I'm in such bad pain I feel like I'm in the body of an 80yr old woman (that'll teach me the next time I think I can scale a rock wall to the top of a waterfall)! I'm desperate for help ladies!! My fiance has been massaging my back, which has helped a little, but I'm hoping someone may know of any remedies I could use to help with the pain and stiffness? There's a small town a few miles away from our cabin, so I'm able to buy things as needed, so I'm wondering if anyone knows of any herbs or creams I can try that might help? I want to be able to walk down the aisle, not hobble! Thanks so much in advance for any advice or help anyone could suggest!