I'm one day shy of 39 weeks

And as crazy as this may sound to some, I've had it with being pregnant 😩 My baby is measuring at at least 10 pounds (my mom tells me our family makes big babies. My brothers were 11.5 and 10 pounds. I, however was only 7 but I was born a month early) and my midwife and doula just tell me "relax, most ftms go over their due date." 🙄 Y'all. My ribs hurt, her movements and kicks, albeit lovely, HURT, and I try not to complain because she is truly a blessing and I can't wait to see her. But on the other hand, this pregnancy is making me seriously reconsider how many children I want to have. Is anyone else in the same boat? How do you find relief?! I'm using heating pads, hot showers, my birthing ball, pillows, begging my boyfriend for massages every night, EVERYTHING 😩😭