Am I further along?

So my story is kind of confusing, and idk why I'm only now curious, but I'm wondering when I actually conceived and it's possible I'm further along. 
Okay so my husband got back from deployment April 26th. I thought I possibly could have ovulated the day/night before or that day, but wasn't sure. May 6th I got a positive pregnancy test, before my period would have been late. Started having extreme cramps the night of May 7th, felt different than period and hurt a lot more. Came in like strange waves. Had another slight positive on May 8th (FMU) and then started bleeding a few hours later. Went to the doctor and they said my blood work came back "not pregnant" but they didn't do a levels so idk if it was zero or not, but they said I was just getting my period. Bleeding lasted only like 2 days and was not normal period looking. I took some test after and they were all negative. 
Fast forward to May 18th, almost to my fertile window, I decided to take a test I had because I still wasn't convinced. Sure enough it came back clearly positive immediately. I was so confused. Didn't have another positive after that. 
I had ovulation signs a few days later. 
Got a positive test June 4th and pregnancy confirmed. 
They tell me I'm 29weeks, but I'm still curious if maybe I'm further along. I know it's possible it was a chemical. Any insight? Doctors haven't said he's measuring bigger or anything so I know it's unlikely I'm further along, since I assume they'd be able to tell. Thanks!