what do you think?

my doctor will induce anytime past 39 weeks as long as i'm partially dilated and effaced. first, i thought this was a terrible idea because it's unnatural blah blah blah. i know some women labor for days while others only for a short time and with this being my first, there's no telling which side of the spectrum i'll be on. i've been debating asking to schedule an induction so its not a surprise to my SO.(it'l probably be a surprise anyway). he lives 2 hours away (long story) and i'm scared that he'll miss the birth of our son because he didn't have enough time to get here. I also don't want him to rush here for a false alarm. i'm thinking it may be in our best interest to schedule a date that way he can call work ahead of time and be here a night before. i know baby could very well come before whatever date we do schedule but it'd be nice to have a date ready in case he doesn't. having an all natural birth isn't that important to me. if being induced guaruntees my SO will be here in time, i'd rather be induced. does this sound irrational to you? keep in mind i haven't been checked for dilation yet so it's not something that could even be discussed with my dr until my 39 week check. i'm just thinking ahead.