delivered my 29 weeker 2 days ago on the 25th!

Had problems the last two weeks of my pregnancy, so I delivered my baby the day my little bump turned 29 weeks on November 25, 2016. My water broke at 27 weeks 3 days so they admitted me into the hospital until he Would be born. The last week I was in the hospital (week 28) I started having bleeding and contracting a little, but I wasn't feeling pain with them. They Gave me magnesium to help his lungs and brain in case he would be delivered at that time. This happened 4 days in a row! On the fourth day, contractions actually woke me up because they were hurting at 4 am. I called the nurse in and she put me on the monitor for the baby's heart and to monitor my contractions. They ended up starting the magnesium again, because it also helps slow down contractions but it wasn't working. They did an ultrasound on the baby to determine whether he was head up or down and he had his feet down by my cervix And head up. She checked my cervix and said she could feel his body parts. I dilated to 2 and she said we might as well deliver him because if I dilate to 5 we could have problems and she was afraid he would pop his foot through my cervix. By 3:41 pm on 11/25/16 my baby boy entered the world weighing 3 lbs 2 oz. he is continuing to do good, but he will be in the NICU for awhile (possibly even until his due date) I love him so much and feel so blessed to be his mommy ❤️