Sympathy symptoms!!


You know how your SO can get sympathy symptoms during your pregnancy? Well, is it possible for your children to get that too?

I'm only 7 weeks along now, and my emotional status has been fairly....chilled out. I've only cried twice. (1. When I realised I couldn't eat crawfish. 2. When I watched this puppy video.) Other than that, my emotional state has felt fine. My 5 yr old daughter tho, that's a different story. she's always as happy as can be, but since maybe a week after I found out I was pregnant. She has been terribly emotional. For instance, she cries when it's been too long that her favorite song has come on the radio.

Is it possible that my little empath flower child is getting sympathy symptoms?

Btw, she doesn't even know yet, that she's going to be a big sister!!