To all those judging

Please stop. We are all caring and loving moms. If we weren't we would not be here looking for advice from others. 
Stop saying "breast is the best". Some women can't feed that way. And you're insane if you think scientifically breastmilk is better for a baby than a mom who isn't filled with anxiety and stress. 
Stop saying you're feeding too much formula and you made a mistake 
Stop saying you are being a bad mom for having a day where you want to be alone 
Stop saying you are a bad mom for hating your SO for a second (they are hormonal too) 
Stop saying you're shitty for having a glass of wine while breastfeeding 
Stop. These woman giving breastfeeding "advice" infuriate me. You give breastfeeding woman a bad name.
Stop judging and actually think from the other persons point of view. 
So frustrated with people who  can't just offer advice and understand we are all trying to be good moms. 
Support your fellow woman, you know how hard pregnancy is, and how hard being a
Mom is. Let's help each other be the best out there. We ALL care.