3 trips to labor and delivery over essentially 3 days


I came in to l&d the first time at 4ish because of contractions was checked and was dilated to 1cm less than an hour jumped to 2 and a half. Gave me option of staying or going home since it was considered early labor. Decided to go home. Was in complete pain and massively got sick all over my bathtub anything I had in my stomach was no longer after having difficulty being able to eat in the first place. Was miserable, still contracting, got significantly worse Sunday morning called told to come in. Come in I'm at 3cm. Walk for like 2 hrs don't progress get sent home at like 430 pm sunday. At 8pm I was having period like bleeding. I kept an eye on it.. I ended up crawling into bed and falling asleep while be woken up by contractions about 130 am and I had a bad contraction I was trying to sit up and it honestly felt like I peed myself. Or similar to what I've heard of breaking water. Nope all blood. I even bled on my bed continued to bleed called my doctor came in and I'm at 5cm! Now just waiting and attempting to walk and do what I can when I have the energy!

My little man will be here soon :)

Fyi I'm 38 weeks 3 days and this is baby n u mber 2