"his house"!!

Me and my bf have been living together almost two years now, he moved in with me and my son. We then moved 130 miles south to a new house and  he signed the tenancy agreement first then me as a second person which I thought nothing of it. Well that was until we argue and then he brings it up saying it's "his" house and if I don't like it I can leave. He did the same again to day about it being "his" house, I want to put a xmas tree up for my son and because he doesn't like them I'm not allowed to as he reminded it his house. This really upset me and I hate that he's doing this...
UPdate:......... I pay all the bill for the house, do all the housework etc he doesn't have to do a thing at all. The last time we had a big argue meant he did the "it's my house" so I went to leave and he said if I left he wud phone the social services cos I was leaving at 8pm with at night and had no where to go.