Should I propose?

I have met the kindest, most loving and generous man finally. We have been dating 9 months and love each other very much. He hasn't much to offer apart from himself and if we were married, life will be tough as he doesn't earn much, but I firmly believe money doesn't buy happiness. We currently live separately due to work but he stays every weekend. He gets on well with my 13 year old son who can be a little sod at times and doesn't make life easy. He accepts me as I am, even though I have a permanent illness. Due to financial issues it would be a long engagement.

What I want to know is should I propose to him? I am traditional and feel I should let him do it as it would take away a special moment in his life. However I also don't want to wait any longer as i love him very much. I'm at a loss what to do. He's also Muslim, and although I know women can propose, I just don't want to ruin anything for him. I also know having girlfriends are frowned upon, therefore being engaged is more acceptable religiously.

Any suggestions? Thank you x

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