Kinda long rant

So I'm currently 16 weeks with my 3rd. I'm very excited for this one or I at least am trying to be. I currently share a house with my mother, her bf, his 3 kids (that he gets every other week) my brother and my 2 boys. I am dead set on moving out before I have my baby in May. My boyfriend/baby's father also has a daughter & lives with his mother. So he is starting a job soon so we can hopefully move out & get our own place. Now here's my dilemma. I have yet to tell my mother I am pregnant because she doesn't like my boyfriend and I have yet to tell her I'm moving because I already know how this ordeal will go down & it won't be good. My mom is the ONLY one in my family that doesn't know I'm pregnant. I'm kinda waiting to find out the gender to even reveal it to her. Now my significant other hasn't told ANYONE that I am pregnant. I find that very hurtful seeing as I'm so far along. His family does not like me and its apparent. I don't get invited to any family functions, we've been together almost 2.5 years. I've tried to tell him that I know his family doesn't like me but he just blows it off. Now last night, while I was sleeping, he went through my phone. No big deal to me because I have nothing to hide. He read a message from my sister that read something along the lines of "he's just gonna end up like the boys dad". Next thing I know, I feel him leave our bed at 530 in the morning. My problem here is that I can't even touch his phone. If I do, he gets a damn attitude about it.. We just got into this huge argument because he said he's not ready for a baby and that's why he hasn't told anyone yet. Uuumm hello?!?! What'd you think was gonna happen?? We were baking a cake?!?! This baby is gonna be born and you're just gonna be like "hey everyone I have a new baby!!" 👋👋👋👋 I honestly can't stop crying because I'm trying to enjoy this pregnancy and its very hard to do it at this point. We probably won't talk at all because I'm always the one to message/call him first. I don't think I have it in me anymore 😢😢😢