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Heyy jus some insight or advice?

So bf and I have had a pretty good month, bd enough so that if my fertile window was off a bit we still would have a good chance. My cycle I'd say is regular, Normally 30-35 days.I'm about 4 days late, AF was due11/28. tested a few days ago a couple of times and they were all bfn. .. Update took clear blue today BFN 12/1

Here are my symptoms or phantom symptoms lol.

About 5-6dpo I think I felt a twinging , pulling feeling in my stomach. Maybe implantation . or ovulation.

7dpo&8dpo felt more twingy feelings

9dpo&10dpo extremely moody very irritable. (To this day) diarrhea(to this day) tested .ik to early but was anxious. Bfn.

11dpo&12dpo felt kinda nauseous maybe in my head . (happening a few various times to this day, almost as quick as a few seconds may have been imagination)

13dpo felt like AF was coming on .checked and nothing

For the past few days I have had all of the above symptoms and I felt like AF was going to start about three different times in the past two days but it only happened for a few seconds and when I checked nothing. I normally don't have noticeable pms symptoms before AF starts.oh and I have broken out on my face like crazy the past 3 days. Like its worse than ever.. Think I'm gonna test today. Scared to get a bfn again tho :( sorry this is long. Someone please insight lol.