I'm 10 days late and BFN after Chemical pregnancy

Last month I got 2 positive digital pregnancy test but it ended very quickly in a chemical pregnancy. During the chemical pregnancy my period only lasted 3 days and it stopped. My next period was due November 21st and it's December 1st and it's still not here. I've taken two pregnancy test and they both said negative, but now since I have no period I'm unsure of when I ovulated. I was using my <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">glow app</a> to keep me on track with my ovulation dates, however, due to my tardy period im not sure its accurate.

I have been having mild pregancy symptoms for the last week, but the sympoms are different from when I got my positive. Has this happened to anyone else ? Do you all think that the chemical threw my period off totally or could it be early pregnancy?