Living life in the rollercoaster ride that is the NICU!

For most of you who have been following my story, sorry ive been disconnected for a few weeks but I know you all understand! 
My son is 3wks old as of Thursday born at 24wks and way to soon! He is now 27wks & 3days. He has had a couple of hiccups but is getting better each and everyday. He had surgery on 11/23 to close the valve between the heart to keep blood from going from one side of the heart to the other and skipping his whole organs. Surgery was a success and our little guy has been slowly doing better each and everyday! We have reached the 2lb mark on 11/28!!! He was born at 1lb 12oz, 12inches long very small but such a strong little boy. 
We are taking each day as a blessing and are so thankful for all your prayers and love! I promise to keep you lady's posted it's just been a hell of a rollercoaster ride!