new baby

I lost my dog last year on Christmas <a href="">Eve</a>. She was the most amazing little silkie terrier ever! She was a rescue so she was old  malnutrished matted up almost no teeth and blind in one eye when we got her but she lived a happy 8 years with us. I had a nervous breakdown when she died. Well I swore up and down I would never ever have another dog and for almost a year I didn't but last night I was at my sisters house and I saw how her kids were treating this tiny (almost fits in one hand) little baby and I couldn't take it!!! My sister shouted "if anybody wants this dog they can have it!" So I took her home with me. Of course I had to take a picture and ask my husband if we could have her and after telling him how the kids were throwing her around he said yes. So I got a new baby and my daughter is over the moon! Just for the record my sisters kids are not bad kids just very hyper active!!!!!! This is my new baby all curled up in my jacket at my sisters house.