When it doesn't go as planned ...

Julian was born 11/16/16 .. Here is my story.. I was admitted to the hospital on Tuesday November 15th at 7 am for induction I was 3 cm at 11am they broke my water at 1 pm i received my epidural.. every once in a while they would up my pitocin my Little's heart rate would drop.. so scary then they would shut the pitocin off for a little ... I was having constant contractions but they weren't strong enough to make progress so they would start the pitocin again.. this happened till midnight at about one am his heart rate dropped to zero nurses came in so quick it was crazyness turn this way lay like this try this.. his heart rate came back when I found a good position.. they called in the doctor she said let's try one more time and see what happens I was at a 7cm but he was still really high at 3:30am the epidural just started to not work anymore I was in so much pain so exhausted and I just couldn't do it anymore I tried so hard .. so we decided on a c-section .. I was so scared .. this was so different then my first delivery.. Julian was born 11/16/16 @ 4:31 am via c-section He is absolutely perfect 😍 thank you for reading my birth story I would love to hear yours 😁