High risk and working too much?!

I'm 22 weeks, high risk pregnancy. I have a very low lying placenta, vasvaginal syncope (fainting while pregnant due to blood flow of the brain), and early signs of preclimpsea (however you spell it😂). Anyways, I used to work 3-4 days a week for 5 hours (total of 18-20 hours a week). But now I'm working 5 days a week 5-6 hours a day (total of 25-30 hours a week). I had compromised when I started there to only work 3-4 days a week and 5 hours a day. 
I'm super exhausted to say the least, I'm having swelling in my feet and face and fainting at work on occasion. Should I continue to work? Or is this too much?
**disclaimer** I know a lot of you work way more than I do and have 2 jobs. I'm not trying to complain, just want some advice. Thank you!