Birth plan...naive?

I've been trying to write my birth plan for almost a month now (due in March) and I get frustrated every time because as a FTM of course all my research is from the internet. After reading through almost 50 blogs/posts/checklists I just feel very frustrated because I truly trust my OB and know she will do everything in my best interest and what is best for baby. I don't know what is going to be best for me at that moment in time and will more than likely follow her advice. 
Am I being too naive? 
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Posted at
My birth plan: 1. Epidural. As soon as possible. 2. Skin to skin 3. No visitors for the first 5 hours That's it 😂😂😂😂


Posted at
Nope. I had a birth plan that flew out the window. It was a waste of ink and paper lol. I think it's best just to make sure your midwife/doc know you and your general wishes, no need to micromanage imo. It's a good idea to have one page with a few general bullet points to have on had for your nurses since they end up making most of the decisions anyways and there could be a shift change at the hospital or birthing center and you want everyone on board. But definitely stick to just general points that are really important to you and not how you want the lighting or what scented oils you like lol that small stuff doesn't end up mattering. I gave birth in a teaching hospital and didn't want students in the room but during actual labor I didn't give a damn who was in the room as long as they were bringing me popsicles and and staying out of punching range lol


Eva • Dec 4, 2016
Yeah I didn't want my MIL there either but she showed up and I honestly didn't end up caring either way.


Kelly • Dec 4, 2016
Ha I feel like I'll be the same...I really do not want my mother in law in the room because we don't get along but at that time it might be have some one to yell at :) thank you for sharing


Posted at
I just want to throw this in there with my first two my room was swarmed by family and my closest friends which would have been nice had I not had the pumpkin drip going and still in and out of consciousness (I have medically necessary C-section's) and I just couldn't cope with the pain and kept passing out and waking up to people... This time around I fully plan on telling everyone to stay away from me until I'm home. It's three days ita not going to kill anyone to wait. I just strongly advise against hospital visitors because you never know what's going to happen or how you will feel.


Colline • Dec 4, 2016
OMG not pumpkin.. pictocin (to make contractions happen and push everything out after baby)


Posted at
My birth plan is "get the baby out". I obviously don't want to jump straight to c section but like you said I trust my doctors to do what needs to be done and what's best for my health and the health of my baby


Kelly • Dec 4, 2016
Agreed, out and healthy!


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As long as you have the basics in your head, that's all that matters. My Dr gave me a check list and told me to turn it in before I give birth lol. If she didn't give me a check list, I probably wouldn't have done one.


Kelly • Dec 4, 2016
Right...when my doc first brought it up I was like uh..birth plan? Haha


Posted at
Not naive. I believe those plans set a lot of us up for disappointment because then we have in our minds what we want in such detail, but things don't always go according to plan. Most of us want similar things, a vaginal birth with as little medical intervention as possible, hold the baby immediately after. I have 3 babies and none of them went according to plan for various reasons. I think it's good to have a general idea of what we want but go in with a go with the flow mindset.


Kelly • Dec 4, 2016
Thank you for the advice!!


Posted at
No, you're being realistic to a point. A birth plan is really what you would like in an ideal situation. For example a natural birth without epidural, delayed clamping etc. But you can't predict how things will happen so be prepared to have to change depending on the circumstances and your ob will guide you through it


Kelly • Dec 4, 2016
Good point, thank you!


Posted at
I feel the same way. I trust my OB and trust her professional judgement. I would hate for my baby and I to be at risk because she hesitates or delays a certain intervention, that she believes is indicated, because I'm "absolutely against A, B and C".I know she won't choose to do an intervention just for the sake of it like I feel some women on this app believe 🙄.I do plan however to discuss a couple of points with her in my upcoming appointments just to know what to expect and so that we're all on the same page.


Kelly • Dec 4, 2016
Yes! Thank you...that's how I've been feeling but have been allowing the internet to make me feel bad!


Posted at
I don't have a plan I'm just going with the flow. It all depends on how I feel I made one with my oldest and didn't do any of it. The only thing i make sure I do is delay cutting the cord.


Kelly • Dec 4, 2016
I feel like I'll be the same...but before pregame I was extreme type a and now I've been going with the flow for the past six months and it's just weird to me!


Posted at
I thought of it more of a "this is how I'd like it to go" but if my OB thinks something needs to be changed at the last minute that's what we're going with, but it gives you a starting point for what to expect and gets you and the dr on the same page.


Kelly • Dec 4, 2016
Good point, thank you for sharing !