angry boyfriend

Okay I need to vent for a minute. I love my boyfriend very much. But I don't know if he taking testerone pills or something. I found these pills that are work out pills.. but he doesn't go work out. He has been so angry lately: everything makes him mad. He will just flip at the slightest thing that I say. I've been trying really hard not to get emotional or anything around him because if I do he tells me I'm being a sally and to suck it up. And he snores SO FREAKING BAD! He works nights so usually it's not a problem but lately I piss him off at night too. I say please and ask him to move over and stuff or turn over your snoring loud. Well I am currently sleeping on the couch for like the 3rd time this week. (Right after we got a brand new king sized bed) I even piss him off when we are sleeping. Fml I just feel like I can't catch a break. Back a few months ago I found an engagement ring in one of our closets on accident. I know for sure because he showed my bf.. but he still hasn't asked and lately I just feel like he never will. I'm sure he's changed his mind because I "piss him off too much". My bf told me to stop letting him see me show any sort or emotion other then anger. That way he gets a dose of his own medicine. But it's hard because lately everything just makes me cry. I'm so close to being done but I just don't know what is upsetting him so much. I just don't understand why I have to be the person that pisses him off that badly. Why can't it be someone else..