Having a really hard time here

I don't really know where to start and I'm really stressed out so just try to stay with me.....

My husband is bad with money. Like. REALLY FUCKING BAD. He quit his job cuz he was freaking out over something that happened TO ME and wanted to move basically that day. I got him to calm down but now obviously we're down an income. And then he ended up overdrawing my bank account like $90 not thinking. So. Now I'm overdrawn, rent is past due, and we have NOTHING for christmas. It was really on my mind last night and I tried to talk to him about it, which didn't go horribly I guess (he actually admitted it's his fault)

But anyway later we were laying down for bed and cuddling and everything and he just randomly asks me for a hug. It annoyed THE SHIT out of me. Like first of all, we're cuddling RIGHT NOW. And why should I be comforting YOU?? I didn't fuck this shit up, you did. I get that we're supposed to be partners and all but I'm the only one contributing. It feels like I'm the only one who cares. Our kids don't understand, they're freakin 5. I just really don't know what to do right now.

Edit: yes he is looking but it's been almost a month now and I'm really feeling the strain and it seems like he's just fine, hanging out with friends all the time and shit