Pooping Trouble

I've already gotten past the first time going which wasn't too bad(a week and half postpartum) and then it got to where it just felt like regularly going but now it's like so painful to go and I feel like I just can't do it I'm 7 Weeks postpartum and I really didn't expect to have trouble going number 2 since I was going regularly and it wasn't hurting at all. I stopped taking stool softeners after I went a few times and didn't need them but the past few days I've been taking as many as aloud in each day since I just can't do it. I think I might possibly have hemmeroids since it's hurting so bad. Has anyone had this issue, going regularly and then randomly having a really hard time? I've been taking the colace stool softeners did another kind work better that I should try? It feels so bad not being able to go and I feel like I really need to but I really just feel like I can't because it hurts so bad..