
So today i found out that i failed my college math course. Not only is this the first time i have EVER failed a class. Since I am I duel enrolled senior in high school i need this class to graduate. My mom and dad are down my throat saying that i still have one more class to fix this and pull through but one class is not enough time to recover. I feel like they are just seeing a problem that needs fixing and not seeing how messed up this has me. I feel like such a disappointment and embarrassment. I can't stop crying for 20 minutes at a time and my Mind keeps going to the darkest of places, its getting harder and harder to put in the effort to do things and my headache has gone from worst to excruciating. I just want to craw under the sheets and never come out again, people keep telling me to get over myself and my self pity but i just can't seem to get out of the bed to take the first step... just thought that sharing my feeling may help.