Need Advice

November 16-18 I had a somewhat normal cycle. It was a bit lighter than normal and was a day shorter than normal, but I thought nothing of it. November 25 I was feeling pretty sick and decided to take a pregnancy test just for the heck of it and it came back positive, keep in mind this was at 11pm at night. I took 2 more tests the next morning and afternoon and they were both positive as well. Over the course of the last couple of weeks I have taken multiple more tests and they have all been positive as well. I went to a local clinic to confirm pregnancy and it was confirmed that I was 6 weeks and that I had conceived in October. Last night I started to lightly spot, but thought nothing of it until this morning when the spotting has become a normal period. Keep in mind my expected cycle for this month wouldn't be until between the 15 and 18 so this is very early, but its almost the exact same as a normal cycle for me just extra light. I fill a pad in about a 3-4 hour time span and when I wipe it is bright red, but there are no clots and I have had no cramps. I have a Dr appointment in the morning, but for right now I'm just panicked and need some advice on what y'all may think or if anyone has gone through this and everything with you and baby be completely ok??