bad furbaby mom?!

I feel so bad!!! I have to split my love between my 3 human babies and my sweet little fur baby and tonight I feel like the worst furbaby mom in the world. My 3 month old daughter was having a gassy belly and finally was able to poop and fall asleep. Dealing with that and my other two kids, trying to get them bathed and hw done and fed and in bed and I fell asleep for a couple of hours once baby fell asleep and I just woke up and realized that I totally forgot that I was supposed to take the cats food away from her at 9 and her water away at 12 because she is getting spayed tomorrow!!! I have to take her to the vet at 7am and she has to be fixed bc she has to be put outside once she is healed up bc she keeps peeing on anything soft and on the ground and on my babies things (vet thinks out of jealousy) and we are having a birthday party soon and getting new living room furniture and carpet soon since she has ruined almost every room in our house and tomorrow is the only available/affordable appointment we could get anywhere near us until March!!! I guess what I'm asking is do y'all think my cat will die because she could have eaten between 9 and 1230??? I'm not getting any answers from google because I guess I'm not wording it right or whatever. I love my cat and I want her to be healthy and okay and happy like she was before my daughter came. Like I said I feel awful for forgetting 😩😩😩 sorry for my freak out I'm just worried.