Birthday Promises

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 5 months now. When we first got together, we were on a trip in Seattle and that about 3 weeks before his birthday. Me being the kind sweet girlfriend I am, I bought him something awesome in Seattle and saved it for his birthday three weeks later, even though we just started dating. When he and I started the relationship, we both had no job and very little money. I got a job first and we relied on me for a while and now we both have jobs, which means he has money. When my birthday first came around, I was a little disappointed he hadn't gotten me anything but I understood, bills come first. He apologized for not being able to get me anything but it was no big deal. The next day he said he felt bad and said he would get me whatever I wanted. Since he works at Academy and gets a discount there, I made it easy for him and just picked some shoes out from there that I've been wanting (a few options, mind you). My birthday has now come and gone and I'm already planning my boyfriends Christmas gift. He's gotten paid since my birthday and has bought himself some new Khakis and spent money on other stuff. Should I be upset? I have texts saying he would buy me whatever I wanted but he just has seemed to completely forget. Do I have the right to say something? It's just, I've had boyfriends on my birthday's for the last few years and I always get some well thought out gift. But this year, he can't even remember to get me anything at all :/