TTC/Not TTC conflict with my husband - need some advice

This might be long so those of you who read it and reply, I appreciate ya!
A little background: my husband(25 yr/old) and I(24 yr/old) are in school. I have a semester left of pre-reqs then next fall I'll be into my 2 year program (diagnostic medical sonography l). My husband has about 2 and a half years left. Before we started TTC I said how I just wanted to be done with my pre-reqs because I knew it was going to be stressful for me but also didn't want a newborn as I'm starting my program (also stressful).
TTC: I stopped taking my birth control in April and we've been trying since. Well we still haven't conceived (I was not especting it to happen right away. We were just kind of going with it. When it would happen, it'd happen) So since we didn't get our little bundle of love this cycle again. My husband asked when we could start again.
Not TTC: Well, if we were to concieve this month the baby would be due around the beginning of September which would be when I would (hopefully) be starting my program so I told him I wanted to get back on birth control because I know I won't be able to give my baby my full attention and my baby would deserve that. I would be juggling a part-time job, full time school which consists of clinicals which is like a full time job, and a newborn baby. Yes my husband would be around but he is also in school full time and works 6-10pm. Monday through Friday we don't see each other till 10:30pm because of how our work/school schedules are. 
With all this, my husband is not happy with how I feel about not trying anymore. It's not taking a HARD toll on our relationship but it's definitely taking a toll. So I guess what I'm asking for is just so advice on how to handle it. Or someone who has been through this too; what did you guys do, how are you guys now? Stuff like that.