Melts my heart sometimes...


So last night my husband was so sweet, and I feel like he deserves a shout out. Warning this is a little long.

We were just finishing up dinner and watching a show together when out of nowhere I had the worse cramps so far this pregnancy (17+5). They hurt so bad that I had to get up and start moving around to try and get them to stop.

I went into the restroom, because he was hovering over me worried something was wrong. When I came out he asked if I was okay, and I told him they were going down and walking helped a little. He told me he was on Google and not to worry it's probably just my uterus expanding (isn't he cute). I kind of chuckled a bit and warned him about Google. If anything was wrong I promised to tell him, but the thought was so sweet.

Once they finally passed (about five minutes of pacing) I joked with him that perhaps my hope of having a natural birth may be dashed, because, to be honest, I'm kind of a wimp when it comes to pain. Hearing this he told me not to worry because he would be there the whole time. That and before we know it baby bean (keeping it a surprise) will be there with us too, and it will all be worth it.

I love how supporting and caring he is even if he gets on my nerves sometimes (mainly due to hormones not his actions).

If you stuck around this long thank you for reading, and please feel free to post about any times your SO or friend or family member melted your heart and reminded you how lucky you are to have them in your life!