I can't be the only one not enjoying pregnancy?

Surly I can't be? I loved being pregnant with my first. But this one seems to be dragging, I'm not enjoying feeling the baby move, I just feel like this makes me a bad parent. I've had enough already. At times I feel so ungrateful for being blessed with another child and this whole experience.. 
To add to this I'm fed up of being told I'm being over sensitive and hating my partner, his attitude and tone of his voice is just unreasonable. Just don't see the point as he hardly talks to me right now and when I try to make conversation I just wish I hadn't bothered, as it seems all he does is snap or seems like he can't be bothered to talk to me. 
I'm trying to juggle looking after my 3 year old and working, and when she goes to bed I just want to chill, have a cuddle and some adult conversation, but all he seems to be arsed doing is being on his phone and watching YouTube videos!