has this happened to anyone else?

Okay so this morning me and my SO had sex, but afterwards I bled, a lot. There was a relatively big stain on the bed, plus it was all over me and him, and when I went to pee after the water in the toilet was bright red, and I went through like half a roll of tissue paper trying to clean myself up. 
Once I thought I got it all, I went back to the bedroom (I knew it was normal to bleed after sex sometimes) anyway blood started dripping from me then. So I called the doctor, and asked if I should go in and they said yes so I did. They checked me out, I'm dilated to almost 2, baby's heart rate is fine, but I was having a lot of tightening, they seemed a bit concerned by that, but they still sent me home, and I'm still bleeding (only a little now). I had sex a bit around 5:30 this morning, and here it is 5:30 in the evening, so 12 hours later and I'm still spotting. They told me to go back in if I find that i don't stop bleeding throughout the day, but I feel like it should have stopped by now. 
I'm 34 and 4 weeks btw.