I'm going to propose!


My SO and I have been together since Jan 20, 2010 and common law married since 2013. We talk about actually tying the knot all the time but with his work schedule he has no time to buy a ring and actually do the proposing, so I'm going to do it!

My plan is to put the ring in the bottom of his stocking and do a timeline of our relationship (like he first had a crush on me sophomore year of high school when I wrapped a yellow boa around his neck, it was spirit week don't judge 😂, than gobstoppers underneath which was another milestone for us, etc) until in the bottom is the ring.

I found this ring online, he's a mechanic and its made of a resilient rubber that is heat resistant but also will rip in high stress situations to prevent degloving but I'll have one as well because it expands if there's swelling from things like diabetes or pregnancy. Its pretty cool!

But, does anyone else have any other ideas to make the proposal more amazing? Haha