Just venting

Sorry for this long post. But I was with my ex on a off for five years. He has a daughter who is 3 and she stays with her mom a few hours away.  December would of made a full year of us being together but  I just couldn't settle for him. We always use to go out on dates, movies, etc. he's in the army and is a low key club promoter. Eventually that got old and the only reason I would go is to support him while he (mc or get the crowd hype). One time I popped up and he didn't know I was there I saw him all up on some girl grabbing her ass. So I broke up with him at the time. Another time he left me at whataburger after the club while I had a slight buzz. But I stayed until my buzz went anyway and he left to drop his friend off and never came back because he( "fell asleep" ) so I drove home safely. I am in no way or any form an alcoholic And my limit is two drinks so I can be aware of everything that is going on and it's ever now and then. He use to be pissy drunk to were it was embarrassing and he almost wrecked his car several times which scared me.... anyway every since I became pregnant he won't stay out the club because he says he will have money in his pocket which he's not making much there. It's like he lives, eats, pisses , and shits for them and are so loyal to them(team). 

.... (I did break up with him for good)!! I told him we were having a girl (currently 16 weeks) and he felt some type of way. I named her because he not once said anything about it and she has my last name and etc he didn't like that. The crazy part about it is that he has yet to tell his mom my baby girls name so I told her. He bought her a few clothes and packs of diapers but has yet to say anything about a crib and the other stuff she will need. 

...He got in his feelings because I wouldn't marry him but he has not shown me he's trying to be a better person. He told me it's eating him up inside. But that's his loss. He won't stop bringing it up. I made it very clear my answer is no. Then it went from that to him talking about moving out the barracks (army base) to him getting an apartment. He had the nerve to mention joint custody so he could have her on the weekends. I told him hell no never my mother instincts kicked i would never leave her out of my sight. I told him I will not be moving in with him because I'm fine where I am and my daughter room is in the process of being set up. After thinking for awhile I came to the conclusion that he's afraid I will put him on child support like his other child's mother which I will. He does love me but doesn't know how to show it. It's best we co parent. After all he put me through I no longer feel the same way I use to about him.

I put myself on wic and Medicaid and I am not ashamed. I am a full time student and will be getting my degree by the time my baby is due🙌🏼. My daughter gave me that extra push and I love her more than anything even though she's not here yet. Please no rude comments.