Spitting up

Torie • God is #1 in my life <3
At what age did your child stop spitting up? My daugher is 10 weeks old and still spits up after every single feeding (breastfed). Here lately it has been quite a lot of spit up. She seems fine and is not bothered by it but im wondering when it will end. I feel like she spits up everything she eats.
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Around 6-7 months.


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My little one is almost 7 months and still does it. It's considerably less, but still happens every once in a while&nbsp;


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Have you mentioned this to her ped? My baby was the same way and diagnosed with severe acid reflux. She's now on Zantac.&nbsp;


Torie • Dec 10, 2016
okay I will mention it again thanks!


Alison • Dec 10, 2016
I had to mention it at four different apps before she did anything about it. But now we have a much happier baby and minimal spit up. I was also told it was normal at first but after 3 months I knew it wasn't supposed to be like this.


Torie • Dec 10, 2016
When she was just a few weeks old I told the dr how she would projectile vomit and spit up alot and she said it was normal. She doesnt projectile anymore but spitups after every single feeding and its normally quite a bit. She eats every two hours


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Around 6 months I think ... She's 4 now but I think between 5 and 6 months she stopped&nbsp;


Torie • Dec 10, 2016
ok ill try it thanks


Santina • Dec 10, 2016
So like her body is straight and not crunched over. I found this helped a lot


Santina • Dec 10, 2016
Not really but pretty much whenever she was being burped she spit up..sometimes a lot sometimes a little, I think it depends on how much they drink because their stomachs are so tiny so any pressure makes them spit up. Try letting her stay still like sitting up but almost like she's laying down