What did you pack?

Autumn • Pregnancy freaks me out
First time being pregnant and first time I will be a mom. I was just sitting here thinking of what I need to pack for the hospital, for myself and for the baby but I can't think of anything I don't want to over pack but I don't want to forget anything I want to pack only the important things. Can somebody tell me what I'm actually going to need for when I go into the hospital I plan on doing it natural and my boyfriend will be with me I'm due in February so I know it will still be cold here where I am.
Thank you for your help 😊😊😊
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Honestly I barely used anything I packed. The hospital provides diapers, wipes, swaddle blankets, hats, baby shirts with the built in hand mits, Vaseline, basically everything the baby needs. We did use a couple sleepers while we were there. As far as for me, the provided basically everything as well. I stayed in the hospital gown the entire time because it was so much easier while constantly getting up and going to the bathroom and I didn't want to get my clothes from home messed up. They provided a bag with shampoo, conditioner, body wash, lotion, they provided all the pads and mesh undies and stuff. I brought my own toothbrush and toothpaste, but they did provide those if you asked. Other than that I just needed my going home outfit. 


Anne C • Dec 15, 2016
Check your hospital before packing, mine hardly provides anything! You got lucky!


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Check first with your hospital. I'm also ftm due 02/09. Hospital I'm delivering at will provide 90% of things for me and Baby. They suggested mittens for Baby as that's all they do not provide plus a going home outfit of course. Also a going home outfit for mom. Flip flops for shower and walking about or slippers if you prefer. They said they'd provide all toiletries but I prefer to take my own for me and hubby. Lounge clothes/ pjs for me for two nights. An overnight bag for hubby. They will provide pads and undies for me. They suggested blankets for Baby, mom, and dad as well as pillows for comforts of home. Phone chargers and extension cord. They said I'm allowed to bring my own Popsicles and itilain ices to have during labor, also a hand fan for hot mom, and massage items during labor like oil and hand held massager, etc. They also recommended a trash bag for any soiled clothing to go home in as well as an extra tote bag because they will send us home with extra aftercare products. And obviously your Carseat. I think that's all I'm planning for. Started laundry for hospital and allllll things Baby today actually. It's coming!!


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I packed way to much for myself. I packed 2 pair of wind pants, 2 sweatshirts, 2 tshirts, unwear, bras, socks, pair of shorts, all my bathroom stuff, tooth brush/paste, shampoo, soap. I packed enough to stay in the hospital 3 days incase I needed a c section. I stayed in the hospital 24 hours and didn't wear any of the clothes I brought except on the way home. While I wad in the hospital I was way more comfortable in the nursing jonny they gave me. For my baby I packed a few onsies, 2 different size going home outfits, hats, no scratch mittens and a blanket. The hospital have us diapers and wipes. We also packed an outfit for my husband. Then we brought chargers for our phones and laptop